Don't do that, I can simply stop by.

On 2021-10-30 10:38 p.m., Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
> On 2021-10-30 10:30 p.m., Nigel Johnson Ham via cctalk wrote:
>> Toby, will those 300XL tapes move the tape if you turn the capstan?  I
>> got my drive working but when I tried to see if the tapes would read,
>> the rubber band that moves the tape just shattered due to age.
>> Try turning the wheel with your finger and see if it moves the tape, if
>> it does i would like them.
> Yes, both turn. I guess they're yours; I can post them to you.
> --Toby
>> Cheers,
>> Nigel
>> On 2021-10-30 10:28 p.m., Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
>>> On 2021-10-30 1:14 p.m., Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Located in Toronto Canada, for shipping cost only:
>>>> - 3 x Hitachi DK516-15
>>>> - 2 x Computer Memories Inc (CMI) 6426-S
>>>> - Microscience HH-1060 (half height; marked bad)
>>>> - Tandon TM-502
>>>> Unknown working condition, but have been stored well.
>>>> First come, first served, etc.
>>>> --Toby
>>> Also: 2 x Scotch DC 300XL tape cartridges, good condition.
>>> --Toby

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