Here is an MDS-720. Note the drives inside are Shugart 800 seriers. I would think the 800's would be Shugart-compatible if not actually Shugart drives inside.
On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 4:11 PM Jonathan Chapman via cctalk <> wrote: > All, > > I recently picked up an ICE-85 in-circuit emulator from Jack Rubin (thanks > Ian and Connor for ferrying it back!). I thought that the stuff it came > with included a Prompt-80 as a controller, but it does not: there's an > unrelated Prompt-48 board in the boxes. The ICE-85 came with ISIS control > software on 8" diskette. So I guess I'm in the market for an Intel MDS-800. > Good luck, right? :P > > Thanks, > Jonathan >