We use Teraterm at work - adequate, free, open-source(if that's important),
meets our needs for embedded development across a wide variety of


Lee Courtney

On Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 11:57 AM Mike Katz via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> I am looking for a good terminal emulator.  Not for connecting to older
> computers serially but to connect with my embedded designs.
> Do any of you have any recommendations.
> I've been using Realterm for years but it's not very good.
> I used UCON, hyper term, terra term, telix (going way back) and a few I
> can't remember the name of.
> Here are my needs:
> 1.  Runs under Windows 10 (linux optionally)
> 2.  Has user selectable baud rates (I use 500K baud frequently)
> 3.  Can use any Windows Com Port.
> 4.  Can send files as raw binary
> 5.  Has X-modem built in (nice but optional)
> 6.  Has some kind of basic VT-100 support
> 7.  Can display both ascii characters and binary data has hex numbers,
> preferably on alternate lines (hex above the ascii character like this:
>          45 76 65 72 79
>           E    V   E   R   Y
> 8.  Can send short manually entered strings in hex or ascii.
> 9.  Can recognize protocols (based on start and/or end of text characters)
> 10. Costs less than $100
> 11.  Can Capture what comes in the port
> 12.  Has local echo (when connected to systems that don't echo what you
> type)
> 13.  Has a large scroll back buffer.
> 14.  Has programmable macro buttons or function keys.
> 15.  Can handle removal and insertion of the TTL to Serial USB converter
> without crashing.
> Thank you

Lee Courtney
+1-650-704-3934 cell

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