> On Sep 23, 2021, at 9:12 AM, Scott Quinn via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> ...
> Isn't VMS DCL pretty close to RSX? Never used RSX, but that is what I
> was always told.

I don't know how close it is to RSX, but I do know that RSTS (V9 and later) DCL 
was explicitly modeled on VMS DCL, including the DCL functions for use in 
command files.  They aren't identical for various reasons, but close, and 
similar in capability.  Another VMS-inspired RSTS item (also in V9) is BACKUP, 
which produces backup sets that VMS can read, and with limitations due to the 
file system differences can read at least some VMS backup sets.


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