On 9/4/2021 5:44 AM, Adrian Graham wrote:

On 4 Sep 2021, at 02:42, Jay Jaeger via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org <mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

On 7/14/2021 12:32 PM, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
VT100 to the rescue, the VLC is fine talking to it so now I'm wondering why my old faithful hardware UART in this PC I'm typing on now has let me down. The BlueSCSI appears as 7 devices though, which is usually a termination or
ID problem so I now need to dig out an external terminator for the box
since it's never had one. The hard drive in there has been good at
providing its own TERMPWR which the BlueSCSI should too but I'll play by
the rules to test things properly.

I think BlueSCSI will only appear as the devices you have image files named for on its SD card.

What I meant was on a SHO DEV I got 7 Quantum Fireballs (DKA0-500, DKA700), in my VAX days this meant there was either an ID conflict with another device on the bus or a termination issue. I only had one image on the sdcard which was ID0 so there weren’t any other devices present, so it had to be a termination issue.

Or a bug.

I don't think that these boards will *provide* terminator power, but I haven't looked at the schematics carefully. If the VAX does provide terminator power, it might not be enough to both do that and power the blue pill. I power mine from the 4 pin molex drive power connector by using a 4 pin molex to Berg connector adapter to match the connector on the one on the BlueSCSI board.

BTW, a caveat: There is a "Black Pill" version from Tech By Androda out there. The blue.scsi site that points to it indicates that BlueSCSI is open source (which it is), but THAT one, the one I bought from Tech By Androda IS NOT OPEN SOURCE. He won't provide the code. Not even binaries on his web site. (There IS a warning about that on the page for the Black Pill (F4) version.)

Also, I see that version 1.0c of the open source Blue Pill version has a fix that involves TERMPOWER: "Fixed issue with external power and TERMPOWER".


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