On Wed, 2021-08-25 at 14:58 -0400, Todd Goodman via cctalk wrote: > P.110 of https://walden-family.com/bbn/bbn-print2.pdf has some slight > information. > > It was advertised by Bolt, Beranek and Newman as the first computer > to > be designed around the C language.
This says the computer was introduced "a year later" (i.e., a year after March 1980). AT&T had 3B20 computers in service in the 1970's. Were they "designed around the C language" or was the C language shoe- horned into them? The C language appears to have been designed as a high-level assembler for machines like the PDP-11, which first appeared ca 1970. At least that's what the Wikipedioa article about the B language appears to say.