On 8/22/2021 8:21 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
On 8/21/21 11:50 PM, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:
On 8/17/2021 1:39 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
I thought V7M and Ultrix were entirely diferent and unrelated things.
At least on the Pro, DEC released a betal version of the one (which
I tried when it came out) and then canceled it and replaced it by a
release of the other. I forgot which came first, other than that
the beta was really clunky. As in, a "vi" that didn't do real
screen updates...
On Aug 17, 2021, at 2:16 PM, Al Kossow via cctech
<cct...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
images up under
They are indeed different. V7m is based on 7th edition A&T UNIX,
whereas Ultrix was based in BSD.
Actually, Ultrix-11 is based on V7m and Ultrix032 is based on BSD 4.x.
In the video on youtube and in my experience the screen formating codes
seem to be incorrect. You can see this in the video when a man page is
brought up. The bolding does not occur. I get the same result after
installing. The same with vi, it doesn't work in the video and doesn't
work after installation. I've tried Teraterm, putty, xterm all with the
same result. Haven't tried an actual terminal yet. What was your