On 7/21/21 1:59 PM, Kevin Anderson via cctalk wrote: > On Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 01:11:15 PM CDT, Kevin Anderson > <kevin_anderson_...@yahoo.com> wrote: > > > For a time I had quite a few Compaq Deskpro towers that had acquired > (for free) from my employer after they updated to a newer HP Compaq > model. These Compaq Deskpros were the white-boxed variety with > Pentium III the like processors that date to the later part of the > 1990s and into the 2000s. They interested me because they were able > to work with the flavors of Linux that were becoming plentiful and > useful at the time (like Mandrake, etc.) Anyway, the desktops > themselves are gone, as well as the PC keyboards and the monitors > that went with them, with this paragraph just setting the scene....
There were two flavors of PIII Deskpro "towers". I still occasionally use my model that looks like this: https://www.adverts.ie/desktops-and-monitors/compaq-deskpro-pentium-iii/338079 This is a beast of a system--heavy. The planar has slots for a NIC and a AGP video--both low-profile. The remainder of the slots (PCI and ISA) are on a pull-out tray. I'm running it with a 1.4GHz "slocket". There are other Deskpros that are simple planar-with slots that can be operated either has a minitower or horizontal desktop. --Chuck