On 7/6/21 6:14 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote:
re. Acorn RPC 700 for anyone reading, I may still have a logic board or two
for these over in England. No real ETA for getting them US-side, though
(and chances are that they have battery issues, too).

It's still on the market if people want to give it a shot.

Well if anyone happens to be heading from your part of the country to Minnesota in the near future and has a RPC 700-sized space in their trunk... would be happy to discuss transport fees :-)

They are notorious for battery destruction - perhaps not as bad as an Amiga 4000, but I expect that's the most likely problem with it. I've actually got an original paper copy of the techref over in the UK, although I think that's all scanned in and online these days.

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