On Jun 1, 2021, at 9:41 AM, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Jun 1, 2021, at 12:27 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>> wrote:
>> On May 31, 2021, at 8:08 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> I’m using a VSXXX-AA mouse (Hocky Puck), and when I use the middle-button 
>>> on the mouse, it messes up DECwindows, and I’m no longer able to use the 
>>> other buttons, which means I can’t change to another window, or access 
>>> menus.  It remains like this until I either logout, or reboot.
>>> Does this sound familiar to anyone?
>> I’ll answer my own question.  This morning I booted up using my other 
>> VSXXX-AA mouse.  And it works as expected, so the problem is the mouse.  Of 
>> course the bad mouse is the nice one, the good one is disgusting. :-(  Time 
>> to shutdown and try and clean it up. 
> It would be interesting to attach a UART to the comm link (4800 bps, RS-232 
> signal levels) and capture what happens.  It's quite strange to see a system 
> failure caused by pressing a button.  I suppose it could be a bug in the 
> system software mishandling a protocol error on the mouse to system link.  Or 
> perhaps the mouse embedded controller has failed so that pressing the button 
> in question crashes the controller and makes it stop talking to the host.  In 
> that case you'd think that unplugging and replugging the mouse would cure the 
> issue, though.
>       paul

I’m effectively seeing a “Stuck On” as Jonathan describes.  Since it’s fine 
until I hit the middle-button, I tend to suspect that the issue is the chip in 
the mouse.  Things go back to normal if I’m able to log out, or reboot.

On a positive note, the “disgusting” mouse, is no longer disgusting, but rather 
simply discoloured. The rodent was actually sticky, in addition to being filthy.


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