On 29/05/21 2:40 am, Fred Cisin via cctech wrote:
Wordstar had some "drivers" for proportional spacing. I kinda doubt that there are practical Windoze drivers.
Yes. I seem to recall that Wordstar had fairly sophisticated support for printers, though you would probably still have to configure the basic Escape sequences unless you're lucky enough to find the set for your printer.
https://www.wordstar.org/index.php/wsdos-support/wsdos-printing/126-wordstar-for-dos-version-4-supported-printers Note - double-strike bold doesn't work so well with a film ribbon.
-- Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com
-- Lawrence Wilkinson lawrence at ljw.me.uk The IBM 360/30 page http://www.ljw.me.uk/ibm360