Grant and et al,
I have several hundred MB and expansion cards from 30 years ago up to about 5 years ago. I would like to sell all of my computer equipment. Boards, cards, cables, covers, printers, monitors, computers. The whole works. I probably have cancer and if I do I am dead. i have been selling off everything that I own and I have been using the funds to drive all around the country full filling my bucket list. Please help me by taking everything off my hands? I still have two Simpson 260 VOMs that I want to see go to a good home instead of hitting the trash. Grant, Randy has not responded to me. Yes, I have Arcnet and Ethernet ISA cards. What info do you need?
GOD Bless and Thanks,

On 5/22/2021 12:03 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
Hi Rich,

On 5/20/21 8:21 PM, Richard Pope via cctalk wrote:
I have ISA ethernet and Arcnet boards.

I'd be interested in knowing more about your ARCnet boards. Of course, that is if Randy doesn't end up using them.

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