Does anyone know if a 5.5-2 era CONOLD is available?  These that have just been 
made available are beyond awesome, as I gave my paper set of 5.x doc’s to Paul 
Allen’s computer museum, only keeping the basic 6 paperbacks, since I have a 
complete 6.x set, and the base 7.2 set

I’m going to see about putting them on PDXVAX (which is on HECnet), and making 
them available for viewing with VTBOOK.  I need to hunt up copies of that and a 
couple other things.  I should have them in my archives.

I want to say that there is a WASD package that will handle bookreader format 


> On May 16, 2021, at 11:46 AM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk 
> <> wrote:
> On 16/05/2021 13:51, Malte Dehling wrote:
>> I have now generated a contents listing for the CONOLD CDs:
> That looks interesting: the fundamental VMS documentation is there, but very 
> little of the layered product info is present.
> The MAR-1989 CONOLD has FORTRAN and DBMS and the JUL-1989 CONOLD has C, 
> So I would speculate that these would be amongst the earliest CONOLD 
> distributions. I read elsewhere (comp.os.vms) that the first CONDIST
> went out in the VMS V5.0 timeframe and the 1989-05 CONDIST contains both VMS 
> V5.0 and V5.1. VMS V5.0 was announced
> in APR-1998 
> (, so it 
> is possible that some earlier CONDIST
> may yet appear.
> I've put the CD_CONTENTS.DAT that I have up on github: 
> (I just realised that 
> I've mis-named the 1989-05 release as 1989-03 ... I'll fix that rsn).
> I guess that I should do something similar for the CONOLD CDROMs. Did you 
> find DECW$SHELF to be enough to build up an accurate list of contents?
> Antonio
> -- 
> Antonio Carlini

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