> On May 12, 2021, at 1:17 AM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Jonathan said
>> Just curious; have you thought of adding VSXXX-?? mouse emulation, using
>> input from either USB or PS/2 mouse?
>> With a mini-DIN output? These are becoming hard to find (aside perhaps from
>> our Australian member who mentions having them by the kg).
> Said Australian member here... I did indeed mention it. Here is a photo of
> exactly 3kg of DEC VSXXX-GA mice:
> http://www.surfacezero.com/g503/data/500/VS-XXX-GA_mice_3kg.jpg
I remember those. I thought Jonathan was talking about the round ones, but I
suppose the protocol is identical. There was also a tablet, same interface I
believe. I used one of those to trace some topo maps.
Does anyone know of protocol documentation for these devices?