On 5/5/2021 12:03 AM, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
Can anyone with negibus experience point me in the right direction?
As you and Ethan helped me with on FB about my 8/I, I don't know which bus I had.  And worse it went to a second rack with about 10 of the expansion racks built out with decoders (W103s IIRC) and the like.  I couldn't afford or justify the custom stuff in that rack because other than the manuals for the 8/I it was all undocumented.  I bought a bunch of what I recall were 1949 racks and some cards from the broken up system and the 8/I. I didn't think to ask for termination, but it had to be
at the end of a bunch of cables that they pulled apart.

I think there were 5 or 6 sets of 6 (?) or so cables daisychaining the peripherals all together.

Obviously you have checked whether the cards Vince mentioned (or the termination) in your rack.  If it was the main external peripheral one would hope they were there.

Otherwise a scamble to find some or make some.  If you do the latter, let me know as I'm sure I'll be interested and would be glad to buy some PCBs to make it cheaper to get a run made.


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