Hi Paul,

I also found an example of the HD BNC connector - It is interesting.


Kindest regards,

Doug Jackson

em: d...@doughq.com
ph: 0414 986878

Check out my awesome clocks at www.dougswordclocks.com
Follow my amateur radio adventures at vk1zdj.net


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Please note that any interesting spelling is usually my own and may have
been caused by fat thumbs on a tiny tiny keyboard.

Should any part of this message prove to be useful in the event of the
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moral responsibility for any outcome resulting from its usage unless the
result of said usage is the unlikely defeat of the Zombie Hordes in which
case the sender takes full credit without any theoretical or actual legal
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Be nice to your parents.

Go outside and do something awesome - Draw, paint, walk, setup a
radio station, go fishing or sailing - just do something that makes you

^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G- In more laid back days this line would literally
sing ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G

On Tue, 4 May 2021 at 15:50, Doug Jackson <d...@doughq.com> wrote:

> HI Paul,
> "I don't know what "HD BNC" means.  There's only one BNC"
> Years ago when working in a university with Photomultiplier tubes, we used
> HV BNC connectors - these looked like standard BNC, but were rated at 10kv.
> https://www.radiall.com/products/rf-coaxial-connectors/high-voltage-connectors/bnc-ht-mhv.html
> We also used to use 75 Ohm BNC connectors for video systems.
> https://www.hubersuhner.com/en/products/radio-frequency/connectors-adapters/bayonet-connectors-bnc/bnc-75-real
> It is worth noting that there are multiple BNC connectors.
> Kindest regards,
> Doug Jackson
> em: d...@doughq.com
> ph: 0414 986878
> Check out my awesome clocks at www.dougswordclocks.com
> Follow my amateur radio adventures at vk1zdj.net
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just like an old fashioned letter, this email and any files transmitted
> with it should probably be treated as confidential and intended solely for
> your own use.
> Please note that any interesting spelling is usually my own and may have
> been caused by fat thumbs on a tiny tiny keyboard.
> Should any part of this message prove to be useful in the event of the
> imminent Zombie Apocalypse then the sender bears no personal, legal, or
> moral responsibility for any outcome resulting from its usage unless the
> result of said usage is the unlikely defeat of the Zombie Hordes in which
> case the sender takes full credit without any theoretical or actual legal
> liability. :-)
> Be nice to your parents.
> Go outside and do something awesome - Draw, paint, walk, setup a
> radio station, go fishing or sailing - just do something that makes you
> happy.
> ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G- In more laid back days this line would literally
> sing ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G
> On Tue, 4 May 2021 at 15:30, Paul Koning via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
>> I don't know what "HD BNC" means.  There's only one BNC.  By 3W3 do you
>> mean the D-sub shell with 3 coax inserts?  Those are standard items, you
>> could just buy one.  The only problem you might encounter is that the cable
>> connector kind is probably crimped, and the crimp tooling is likely
>> expensive.  But a solder or PC mount connector could be used, with an
>> impedance bump that can be ignored for video applications.
>> Sync on green is the usual from DEC.
>>         paul
>> > On May 3, 2021, at 7:22 PM, Adam Thornton via cctech <
>> cct...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > I assume it would be way too much to hope that HD BNC would fit it?
>> Does
>> > anyone have a pointer to the actual physical dimensions of the
>> itty-bitty
>> > BNC-ish connector in the video port of the VAXStation4000vlc?  If I can
>> get
>> > red, green, and blue out (assuming since there are only 3 connectors
>> it's
>> > sync-on-green) I can put together a sync splitter and turn it into
>> VGA.  I
>> > have at least one decent multisync VGA monitor still, although none with
>> > the RGB BNC inputs.
>> >
>> > Adam

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