On 4/25/21 12:08 PM, Tom Uban via cctech wrote:
On 4/24/21 10:28 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> From: Fritz Mueller
> could I ask that you take some closeups around the Mate-n-Locks along
> the top? I'd be very interested to see the board traces and the details
> of the red bus wiring there.
I had a look at my /45 (a later KB11-D - although I think the backplanes for
the -A and -D are identical), and it seems to have heavy red wires attached
to the upper row of Mate-n-Lok's that look just like those on Josh's. I'd
really want to take pictures of mine (I don't want to take the backplane out
- too much work - but I can get decent images with it in, I think) so I
can compare them directly, though, not depend on visual memory.
PS: I wonder how many people here have -11/45's? ISTR one other, but they aren't
I have an 11/45. I can also take pics if it would help.
I used to have 4 of them. Gave them to people who were
trying to set up museums. Never heard how that went.
Miss them as much as I miss my 11/24. I have no UNIBUS
PDP's anymore.