On 2021-Apr-24, at 12:43 PM, David Williams via cctalk wrote:

> Moving forward on setting up my collection and I was taking a look at an 
> Exidy Sorcerer S-100 Expansion box I had received long ago. I wondered if 
> anyone could help with info on the cards I found inside. The first is clearly 
> a memory card but not familiar with the company. The second is a disk 
> controller and the third is a parallel/rs232 interface. I haven't found any 
> doc on any of them yet. If you have doc or info on the cards or anything else 
> about the expansion box please let me know. Haven't tested or done any more 
> with it yet other than open it up and look around inside. Had this for ages 
> but only now had room to take it out of the box.
> 1) 64K Static Memory card copyright 1981 Memory Merchant
> 2) Double Disk controller by Jade Computer (Doesn't seem to match the image 
> on the doc I found on Bitsavers for their Double D controller but suspect it 
> is one)
> 3) Interfacer II  Triple Parallel / RS232 Serial I/O from CompuPro - Godbout

I take it you haven't found s100computers.com.

Info for the Compupro Interfaceer II is readily available there, with scan of 
original manual with schematic.

Mem Merch 64K and Jade FDC are listed there as well, I haven't looked below the 
link level for them though.

There used to be another S100 site under maben-something but it seems to have 
It was a lot of duplicate with S100computers but had some additional stuff.

> Links to pics below.
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-1.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-2.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-3.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-4.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-5.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-6.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-7.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-8.jpg
> http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-9.jpg

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