On 2021-Apr-24, at 12:43 PM, David Williams via cctalk wrote: > Moving forward on setting up my collection and I was taking a look at an > Exidy Sorcerer S-100 Expansion box I had received long ago. I wondered if > anyone could help with info on the cards I found inside. The first is clearly > a memory card but not familiar with the company. The second is a disk > controller and the third is a parallel/rs232 interface. I haven't found any > doc on any of them yet. If you have doc or info on the cards or anything else > about the expansion box please let me know. Haven't tested or done any more > with it yet other than open it up and look around inside. Had this for ages > but only now had room to take it out of the box. > > 1) 64K Static Memory card copyright 1981 Memory Merchant > 2) Double Disk controller by Jade Computer (Doesn't seem to match the image > on the doc I found on Bitsavers for their Double D controller but suspect it > is one) > 3) Interfacer II Triple Parallel / RS232 Serial I/O from CompuPro - Godbout
I take it you haven't found s100computers.com. Info for the Compupro Interfaceer II is readily available there, with scan of original manual with schematic. http://www.s100computers.com/Hardware%20Folder/CompuPro/Interfacer%20II/Interfacer%20II.htm Mem Merch 64K and Jade FDC are listed there as well, I haven't looked below the link level for them though. There used to be another S100 site under maben-something but it seems to have vanished. It was a lot of duplicate with S100computers but had some additional stuff. > Links to pics below. > > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-1.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-2.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-3.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-4.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-5.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-6.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-7.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-8.jpg > http://www.trailingedge.com/images/ExidyS100-9.jpg