Oh weird. Who did I send that keyboard to then. Oh, Ian. I did send it to him with the request he dump the ROMs and such so other people can build replicas, I'd say reach out to him.

Josh: Do you need a Perq1 or Perq2 keyboard. I have a pair of P2 keybards but then again I also have a pair of Perq2's in addition to one Perq1 and a second Perq1 shell with just the disk drive.

It's finally (a) warming up and (b) people getting vaccinated so maybe I can get some help this summer removing more of that stuff. The Microvax 3400 is not going to go up the steps easily...


On 4/23/2021 12:22 AM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:

On 4/22/2021 7:30 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
On 4/22/21 5:08 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Jesus, I just traded a Perq1 keyboard to a guy for a $100 donation to a food bank of his choice.

josh dersch is looking for a keyboard and a monitor

He already chimed in.  His search also triggered as soon as it was posted.  Up to 4900 in first hour.  Ridiculous.

One has to wonder for these two (another keyboard maybe a month ago) where the machines are these are "liberated" from, or if the actual owners are missing them.


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