On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 10:03 PM Richard Pope <mechani...@charter.net> wrote:
> Tony, > What ever went wrong with my body 20 years ago when I came down > with the flu damaged my metabolism. The extra heat load on my lungs and > my core causes me to become sick in about 5 minutes. In 15 minutes I am > unresponsive, in 30 minutes I am unconsience, and in one hour my heart > stops. I almost died last summer in the heat and humidity on the side of > I-39 due to my disability. I can not wear a mask. Yes, I can still walk > short distances, I move very slowly, and I have to rest a lot. I am > staying out of a wheel chair as long as possible even though there are > days when I have to use one. If I were to come down with something I > would stay home. > That sounds like um, I think the technical term is, a big pain in the butt. I hope to see you there. April should still be cool enough outside so heat won't be a problem.