On 3/11/2021 11:47 PM, Tomasz Rola via cctalk wrote:

I more often than not use one of the old style browsers (lynx, dillo
etc). Using search engines with them was rather uncool (unusable links
in search results, wanting to load some bs or js, etc). For this
reason I type my searches using mozilla and very rarely trying this
with duckduckgo and almost never with goog.

Today I noticed that duckduckgo redirects my classic browsers to
lite.duckduckgo.com and I can use the results. Cool!

Tried with dillo and w3m.

Is there a way to use all the words in a search.
Searches seem to only find paid advertisements.
trying to find 'ECP-18 computer' gave me NO real useful hits on this drum based computer. (Bitsavers did not seem have information as well)

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