On 3/11/21 3:06 PM, Tom Uban wrote:
On 3/11/21 1:58 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
On 3/11/21 10:59 AM, Tom Uban via cctalk wrote:
I am interested if this is not already spoken for.

On 3/11/21 9:48 AM, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
Richardson, TX I assume.

At 09:42 AM 3/11/2021, John, W9DDD wrote:
I have a Xerox 820 (rev 2 -II?) that will go to it's happy hunting grounds soon 
unless there is

Pictures if interested, part it out if it gets to that point.

(On topic to the extent it makes room for more Teletype equipment.)

John, W9DDD
in a box around here somewhere I have a still unassembled Xerox 820 
motherboard.  Never found
anyone even remotely interested.


Is that a Xerox 820 or a "Ferguson Big Board". They are both the same 
schematically. I previously
had the former and still have the latter, though mine is assembled.


Don't know what a Big Board is.  This is one of the boards hams were
using to build W0RLI BBSes.  My packet interestes went in a different
direction so I never got around to building it.


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