On 2/28/21 11:20 AM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
> Yep, I remember having both types (screw on and wheel) over the years, I
> think the screw ons were on the pdp8. The little short corporate rack of
> the pdp11V03 has a wheel.
> They are nice because there is nothing more annoying than having a rack
> fall over on you. Or have it fall over while you get out of the way,
> then you have to roll it on its' side to get things out so you can lift
> it back up. Don't ask me how I know.

There's also the "cheap and dirty" type that involves a slide-out
projection from under the rack.  I have an HP storage array rack with
that feature and have used it.  Works fine to keep the rack from falling
on you and is invisible when not being used.


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