> On 02/21/2021 9:59 PM Ethan O'Toole <et...@757.org> wrote:
> Awesome! Much thanks for posting those. My friend said they're both
> Windows, not linux. He added them to his collection but is still on the
> lookout for "full linux archive of 12."
> Note - I'm an innocent bystander here. I have an idea what the software is
> for, but never used it.
> My friend's twitter thing is https://twitter.com/edgetriggered
> Thanks again!
> - Ethan

Well, let's try again.  This one is specifically labeled as Linux, so maybe 
it's the right one.

Also, feel free to give my email address to your friend.  I probably have some 
other related files stashed away somewhere and would be happy to look for them.


"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -- Albert Einstein

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