On 2/12/21 8:08 AM, Paul Koning wrote:
The photos are not particularly helpful; they show parts of the device
but not close enough to tell the details, while much of the case is not
shown.  Is there any manufacturer label or serial number tag on the

I'll see if I can get him to share more photos - I know he'd posted some of the complete system a few months ago when he picked it up, so maybe he can add them to the Google folder.

Unfortunately it seems that the Conrac on the tube is the only kind of branding on the whole thing. I wonder if it had a decal / emblem on the keyboard originally and that's fallen off.

One of those boards is full of rather sloppy ECO wires, which makes it
feel like a home made job, but the rest look like decent quality
commercial pieces.

Yes, the general board quality (and other things, etc. the cage around the cards) just seems too nice for something that might have been a homebrew or prototype - it feels to me more like a commercial product, but one in its very early days before they'd got all the kinks worked out.

 And yes, the blower is rather curious, it's hard to
see how a device like this might dissipate enough power to need that
kind of air mover.

That aspect of it seems like a case of "just use what we have" to me, i.e. they wanted to duct warm air out the back without much clearance, and just happened to have a source of those blower assemblies. It's a bit odd that they're dumping air from around the PSU but there's no airflow through the card cage at all.


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