> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 09:19:08 -0800
> From: Al Kossow <a...@bitsavers.org>
> Subject: Flip-Chip selloff
> I don't have any equipment that uses them any more, so I'll be ebaying off
> my
> A-W series flip chips over the next few days. The W's and PT08 boards are
> up now
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/184647476832
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/184647420812

I am still maintaining a PDP-8/I & TC01, PDP-8/L, PDP-8/S, PDP-9 & TC02,
and PDP-12 for the Rhode Island Computer Museum.

The RICM would happily accept any donated FlipChips, especially the go-fast
B versions and anything else for the PDP-9. You can even get a charitable
tax deduction for the donation.

Michael Thompson

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