On Wed, 3 Feb 2021, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
. . .
Then try cylinder 36.
If the disk had been written on a 48tpi 35 track drive (SA400/SA390 used on TRS80 and Apple), then cylinder 72 of a 96tpi/cylinder 36 of 48tpi would not have been used. If cylinder 72 does not read, but 36 gives a valid read that identifies itself as track 18, then it is most likely from a 35 track 48tpi drive, such as SA400.

That second attempt should have read cylinder 54/27, not 36/18
Again, to try to do most of the analysis on the less likely to be in use tracks.

THIRD attempt should be 36/18

Then, if you are feeling bold, cylinder 0
Cylinder 0 may be a different format than other parts of the disk, such as the continuation of FM for system tracks of CP/M even after the rest of the disk went to MFM.

Watch for what looks like it might be a DIRectory in the low tracks, OR for some formats the MIDDLE tracks (17,20, etc) for variants of TRSDOS, Microsoft Stand-Alone BASIC, etc.

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