On 2/1/2021 10:02 PM, Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote:
It works well for me even with the copy protected disks ImageDisk can't
copy with.
The biggest problem imaging programs had trouble with was how to duplicate whatever errors were on the disk (as in abnormal patterns) when making a copy.

I had the best luck with nearly everything with a package called copywright (I think).  Big claim to fame was preserving the bit count on the track and spacing when writing.

Simple software rarely bothered to do that.  They could stretch the image to fit each track.

Unless the copy "protector" looked at a way to fit to a generic disk with little variability in the manufacturing, the copy schemes didn't have a lot of other tricks once many of the weird crap was tried and defeated.

I work for a company which sold a database program which actually was defeated by that after they fooled a lot of other programs.

good to hear that Greasweazle works for that.  I have one from Keir Fraser who does a good job of supporting it.

Also FWIW, Facebook sucks etc. blah blah, but you can make a fairly low information account and join.  FB works happily with adblock plus, and anti tracking for cookies turned up high, and I have a lot of utility machines, one can be rigged to allow FB use w/o any of the pain.  At this writing there are 1192 members there.

Of course all the questions that any media backup, archival, copy, etc. are generating is there, but there is no embargo on the information.  The group is private mainly to keep out the rif raf who spam.

I have several groups I manage and do the same.  Better to block the membership being ad hoc than having to watch it if you want to keep it spam and bullshit free.


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