> On Dec 5, 2020, at 1:41 AM, Josh Dersch via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
> Thought you folks might be interested in a quick update on my folly here.
> At the beginning of November I drove down to the bay area to pick up the
> two fire-damaged PDP-11 systems -- a PDP-11/70 and a PDP-11/45. (I also
> made a few other stops and got a few other items, but that's not what I'm
> here to talk about...)
> ...
> The 11/45 is considerably further gone. It took a serious amount of heat,
> enough for the pig iron frame for the front panel to start melting (
> http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/1170/1145.jpg).
It looks pretty bad, but it's not quite as bad as what your words suggest. I
doubt that frame is iron. Consider that the rails of the rack are corroded but
not visibly warped, let alone melted.
I would guess the bezel is potmetal or some other low melting point cheap
alloy. Potmetal is a zinc alloy, it melts very easily.