
This is the e-mail I got from Bob Armstrong..





From: <>  
Sent: 15 July 2015 15:53
To: <> 
Subject: RE: [sparetimegizmos] Any builders of the SBC6120 in the UK


  The FORTRAN RTS uses interrupts, whereas most OS/8 software does not, and so 
it reveals bugs that are not otherwise apparent.


  As I recall the problem was with the VGA/PS2 console implementation in the 
FPGA.   Jim didn’t handle clearing the flags and the interrupt request quite 
correctly, and it made FORTRAN hang up in an interrupt loop.   It should be 
easy enough to fix by revising the VHDL, but I’m not sure Jim ever did.  Make 
sure you have the latest IOB6120 firmware.


  FWIW,  FORTRAN does work with the SBC6120 onboard serial console enabled so 
you can use the IOB so long as you’re not using the VGA console.


  This was an issue for many people because it broke the ADVENTure game, which 
is also written in FORTRAN :-)





From: Tom Hunter <> 
Sent: 27 November 2020 01:08
To: Dave Wade <>
Cc: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Subject: Re: DEC PDP-8/E wanted - still looking


Hi Dave,

Could you please explain how exactly the VT emulation "kills" the Fortran run 
time system in OS/8?

What is the fault? How do you trigger it? Have you got a Fortran code snippet 
which reproduces the problem?

Was there some previous discussion about it answering my questions above?

I have a reasonable level of experience with VHDL and Xilinx ISE so maybe I can 
fix it if I can reproduce it.

Thanks and best regards

Tom Hunter


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 6:28 PM < 
<> > wrote:


If it has an IOB6120 then it the VT emulation kills the Fortran run time system 
in OS8.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk < 
> <> > On Behalf Of Tom Hunter via
> cctalk
> Sent: 26 November 2020 06:02
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> < <> >
> Subject: DEC PDP-8/E wanted - still looking
>  Tom Uban fully built "Spare Time Gizmos" SBC6120 based computer
> complete
> with front-panel and IO board is on its way to me.   :-)
> I am still looking to buy one of the following PDP-8 models:
> PDP-8/F
> PDP-8/E
> PDP-8/L
> PDP-8/I
> PDP-8/M
> Dave, Chris, Paul and Robert I am looking forward to getting more details
> from you.
> I am happy to pay a reasonable price for the right PDP-8, so a seller won't be
> disappointed.
> Thanks and best regards
> Tom Hunter

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