Go for a 8m or f  same omnibus and easer to lift as only onevnibuss panel!  - 
On Friday, November 20, 2020 John H. Reinhardt via cctalk 
<johnhreinha...@thereinhardts.org; cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
On 11/20/2020 8:01 AM, Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote:
> I know it is the year 2020 but nevertheless what are my chances of finding
> a complete and repairable DEC PDP-8/E or as a second choice a PDP-8/I ?
> Is there any hope or should I be just content with my SIMH based PiDP-8/I?
> Thanks
> Tom Hunter
Funny you should mention...

There is a guy in Endicott, NY with a PDP-8/E possibly looking for a new home.  
Posted a couple days ago on the VCF DEC Forum

> Circumstances require selling off some or all the DECs [ will still have some 
> DGs to play with ].
> One can often get a general idea of value based on prior open market (like 
> eBay) sales but not
> enough comparables out there, so would like to get a ball-park idea.
> Prefer to see them stay within VCF but because of the amount previously 
> invested I'm not able to "give it away"
> at hobby prices as I would like in an ideal world. Everything is good shape 
> and complete, but not booted up since dry long term storage. May sell some or 
> all of it but will try here before eBay. Here's a quick overview, informed 
> and straightforward feedback much appreciated.
> > Complete PDP-8/E, 8k core, full flip chip/board set (have list), good 
> > condition, long dry storage.
> > Complete PDP-11/05, 8k core, full flip chip/board set (have list) good 
> > condition, long dry storage.
> > DECScope VT-52, good condition nothing missing or damaged from long term 
> > storage.
> > RX-01 dual floppy drive, good condition nothing missing or damaged, from 
> > long storage.
> thanks for your help.
> Roger in NY 

Be aware people are telling him his system is probably worth about $1000.  I 
have seen other 8's go for more on Ebay but I don't recall which model.


John H. Reinhardt

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