On 2020-11-17 3:22 p.m., Maciej W. Rozycki via cctalk wrote:
>  In maybe 2 minutes of clicking I found these reasonably priced and using
> standard slidelock assemblies, sold brand new on both sides of the pond:
> http://www.computercableinc.com/ccinc/products.jsp?sub=AUI+Transceiver&id=2041
> http://www.pacificcable.com/Picture_Page.asp?DataName=TRAN-6

Those seem rather high priced to me.

These are not true AUI cables, but they are what I use for about 1/4 the
price of the ones mentioned above:


(That's a Canadian seller since that's where I am, but they'll ship to
the US if that's where the original poster is.)

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