On 11/17/20 1:10 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
On 11/17/20 10:21 AM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
You can actually make these yourself if you can't buy them. There are, I think 5 twisted pairs in a shield.
A LONG time ago, I made a few of them when I needed them right now.


Thank you for the information Jon.

I might prefer the pricing of making them myself than some of -- what I think are -- the exhortation prices that I'm seeing on eBay.

Too bad they weren't this valuable a few years ago.  When I was still
working my department moved to a new building at the University.  We
were seeing our space greatly reduced and being a pack rat was no longer
a valid option.  I threw more than 100 of them out because I couldn't
even find anyone to take them from me for nothing.


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