On Tue, 10 Nov 2020, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Nice tip, but I thought that most folks knew about the
matching-connector thing!  I guess unwritten knowledge gets lost over
the years.

. . . such as turning a bolt backwards a little to find the start of thread? . . . or attaching some plastics with cyano-acrylate AND running a soldering iron over the glued joint . . . using a large vise as a crude substitute for a press, using sockets as drifts for pressing round objects, . . . (all of which I have seen in the last few years as "fresh tips")

Half a century ago, a soldering work station included a lot of mating connectors and a padded vise. Has the use of a vise been forgotten, also? SOME learned the hard way that using connecctors of current hardware to hold ones being soldered carried some risk.

If you compare "Woodwright's Shop" with "New Yankee Workshop", even significance of grain is being gradually eroded and ignored.

Written knowledge doesn't get preserved, either. "The internet is written in sand". "Standard procedure" in library stack culling is to remove any book thata hadn't been checked out in a set period of time. A decade ago, when I was re-assigned as one of the college's librarians, I implemented an added step of those books being on a set of shelves to facilitate looking them over and over-riding as needed. (K&R and Knuth were slated for discard!)

Grumpy Ol' Fred

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