Hm. In 1986 I was given a pair of pdp8/I's, a third 8/I that was broken,
an RK8, and a bunch of packs from UMBC's psychology lab that were in an
old closet. I could not move out the PDP12 that was in there (would
never fit in my station wagon) but I did take out the FPP12 unit.
Ah those were the days. I wonder if the pdp12 is still there sometimes....
On 10/21/2020 11:01 AM, Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez via cctalk wrote:
Ethan Dicks via cctalk wrote:
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 10:02 PM Jay Jaeger via cctalk
<> wrote:
I have had my system since February, 1988 when a friend and I hauled the
11/24, two RK07's a VT100 and and TU10 out of U Wisconsin Bascom Hall
for about $600.
Nice. I didn't end up working for UW-Madison until 2003. I never
encountered any Unibus gear at that late a date, but I did run across
some Qbus cards.
Back in '89-91 at UW-Madison, the main mail server was . We at EE had mostly Sun, Apollo (later HP9000/400)
and Mac II's to play with, but the guys at ChemE had a bunch of vaxen
(mostly Microvax II's); they had DECNet but were also accessible via IP
somehow, at least on some nodes. Nobody was throwing interesting stuff
to the trash in those days.