Hi at all, I was looking for the BASF 6104 drive manual. on internet I find the one related to ASSY 81098 (where the jumpers have the name JJx) https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtni6hk7gqbr5fk/BASF%206104%20Assy%2081098%20jumpe r%20JJx.jpg?dl=0
while instead I am looking for the one related to ASSY 81118 (in which the jumpers have the name Bx) https://www.dropbox.com/s/uc4yhh0r20nqdxp/BASF%206104%20Assy%2081118%20jumpe r%20Bx.jpg?dl=0 Can someone help me? Thanks Enrico - Pisa- ITaly