On Wed, 2020-10-07 at 13:14 -0500, Cindy Croxton via cctalk wrote: > I received permission to share this link. These are in a personal > collection in Finland. Don't drool too hard :-) > https://imgur.com/gallery/7TKl5YH
I visited Haus zur Geschichte der IBM Datenverarbeitung (House of the History of IBM Data Processing) in Sindelfingen twice before the collection was moved across the Autobahn to the IBM Technology Center in Boeblingen. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOlJ8ZB6COe4u6alT5Hah9mTph8QqaFxP37naSOsjAeW9IJvcf8kJxypT7XPYWCkw?key=UEpwNV93bE4zcEdPSzJVb1dJUmpjelAweVNYMFRn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPN1bSdVWEVA5aykENlOEWm4aG290s9-BU-NFUz702oAei0qme7Owkntg-VN6P9lQ?key=d2NDSTFQNVJSbHpPQ0ZzWFN3Ny13OHBjby1pZlVR Several of the computers at Sindelfingen were in working order, in particular a 403, 650, 1401 and 360/25. The 650 belonged to a museum in Vienna. I think it was sent back. I hope it survived the journey in working order. Their keypunches worked. I punched a few one-card 1401 programs to clear up some confusion/imprecision in the manuals to correct/confirm the SimH 1401 simulator. I visited John Zabolitsky's collection at Neubiberg, a southeastern suburb of Munich: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPGeVphL95gtsGIO96iU4APdtSRnHhcm1y4-YaPspa6_jDuAZw6cfD3FR3OFr8czw?key=MjJZNUVjMWtLRkVKbmF2TnFDa3ZneDM0WWFqZ0hB They sell time on their VAX. I think some of the other machines work, too, but the VAX was the only one running when I visited.