Yes, for VS6, all of the docs were on two or three CDs that were installed 
separately. I think it was called the "MSDN Library".

On 10/7/20, 11:43 AM, "cctalk on behalf of Bjoren Davis via cctalk" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    I have a retail boxed set "Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Professional 
    Edition Upgrade" (P/N 659-00145).
    It's stuffed with CDs, some of which I seem to remember were sent to me 
    after I mailed in some coupons.
    There's not much paper documentation -- a "Microsoft Visual Studio 
    Resource Guide", "Getting Started Setup Guide for Visual Studio 6.0", 
    "Visual Studio Developing for Windows and the Web", and some class 
    library posters.
    The documentation appears to be on a 2 CD set "MSDN Library Visual 
    Studio 6.0" (P/N X03-73112 or possibly X03-55262).
    There is a card "Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0" which 
    says: "The MSDN compact discs include a complete documentation set for 
    Visual Studio and for each of the core products."
    On 10/7/2020 11:29 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
    > On 10/7/20 7:23 AM, Tomas By via cctalk wrote:
    >> On Wed, 07 Oct 2020 16:18:15 +0200, <> wrote:
    >>> Would then not be on MSDN cds from around that time?
    >> I don't think so. I did spend some effort to locate on of those that I
    >> had some reference to, but it turned out to be nothing. (And I have
    >> checked at least ten MSDN CDs for this material.)
    >> There are paper copies in some west coast US libraries, but I have not
    >> yet gotten desperate enough to try that route.
    > I don't know if I hung onto the MSC 6.0 manuals, but am looking at what
    > amounts to a sizeable portion of a bookshelf that deals with 7.0.
    > That's a lot of paper.  Just the "Comprehensive Index and Errors" book
    > looks to be somewhere around 400-500 pages.
    > I don't believe that MSC was part of MSDN back then.  At least I don't
    > recall seeing it on my CD collection, although ISTR that there were
    > services packs for it there.
    > FWIW,
    > --Chuck

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