On 10/4/2020 4:00 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 10/4/20 1:50 PM, J. David Bryan via cctalk wrote:
I don't believe that you're missing anything.   When I process these
files, I mask off the lower 24 bits as the block length.  A 16MB tape
block is impossibly large in any case.

Oil logging tapes write 9 tracks with no inter record gaps or file marks till EOT.  I'm guessing you've not digitized any of those?

A friend built a custom machine which could be placed on site at the well site.  The tapes would be run to the unit, and then the data stream transmitted to a US based location for analysis.  Made necessary in Canada as they became very aggressive about transmission of such data.

In the 70's and 80s when this was in use it was very difficult to transport half inch tapes across the border w/o being challenged because customs was tipped off that the tapes were all potentially banned material.

I'm surprised that they have not turned up since they are useful for wells when trying to enhance output.


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