On 10/4/20 10:54 AM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

> On SOME systems, you could substitute
> DRIVPARM = /D:1 /F:2 for similar effect.
> Same switches as DRIVER.SYS.
> EXCEPT, DRIVPARM would alter the parameters for existing drive letter,
> NOT create a new drive letter.  See also, LASTDRIVE
> (With 4 floppies, CD-ROM(s), HDD(s), parallel port drive(s),
> Floptical(s) on SCSI, RAMDISK(s), etc., didn't want to waste drive letters)

IIRC, in xDOS 3.2 and 3.3 DRIVPARM produced an error if specified as
usual, but when DRIVPARM was suffixed by a string of three contorl-A
(hex 01h) characters, it worked fine.

Good ol' DOS arcana.


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