Sounds fun. I was not able to get anything useful out of my one 1702 that is causing difficulties. I believe is was a copy of a bad image. I should try the other one that has a blank section on 25%. It might be an addressing problem but who knows. I can't think of an open address pin that would blanks just 25%. It is more likely just broke inside. It is an early EPROM type with the gold pin that are in bad shape after being stored on the black rubber foam. I've needed to solder a socket to that first one, to get good contacts on all the pins. Messy! Dwight
________________________________ From: cctalk <> on behalf of Al Kossow via cctalk <> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 12:18 PM To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <> Subject: Re: ISO Advantech Labtool-148C prgrammer wall wart specs On 9/15/20 11:24 AM, dwight wrote: > I don't know the particular programmer's purpose you have. It is a 2000's era parallel programmer with downloadable FPGA configuration. I can trace it out and note the voltages on the filter caps as an estimate. I was just hoping someone could quickly tell me what the wall wart said. There is an Advantech dealer on ebay in Greece selling one, I've sent them a message if they have the supply or could at least tell me what the voltages should be. I got this one cheap since it has programmable Vcc for read/verify. I have one 2764 giving me trouble reading. I may just be faster to lift the Vcc pin on it and attach it to a bench supply.