On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 03:35:50PM +0200, Michael Engel wrote:
> Before I start to disassemble and test the machines, I would be interested
> to hear about specific problems you might have experienced bringing up one
> of these two machines, preferably those on the unexpected side.
I recently worked on getting a Xerox Star running.
Others finished getting it running last weekend.

If it has a Quantum Q2040 the heads will likely be glued in place by
a deteriorating rubber stop. The page above has link to how I delt with it
to recover the drive contents. Some also have dry bearings.  We decided to 
use a drive emulator for now using the Darkstar Viewpoint disk image.

Also check the voltage drop on the +5.2 under load discussed in the page
linked to.

> Another thing that is also missing is the mouse pad for the three button
> optical Xerox mouse. Is it possible that an optical mouse pad for Sun/SGI
> machines is compatible?
You can print one

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