> On Sep 13, 2020, at 3:44 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 9/13/20 2:48 PM, null via cctalk wrote:
>> There is no terminal for it.
> Megatek started out making caligraphic displays for DG systems
> those evolved into the Wizzard series. I have one with a Unibus
> interface.
> They switched to raster in the late 70s eventually moving to
> standalone 3D color raster terminals.
> The VME boards were their last gasp as a company as the graphics
> terminal market collapsed.
> Like all of the specialized 80's VME boards, it is going to be pretty
> much impossible to find software for them today.

More to the point Megatek (myself and some others) modified the boot
ROM’s in the Sun 3/XXX series machines to recognize and use these
specialized boards as boot consoles.

Technically they should be recognized as cg9(?) video cards if you
have the correct boot ROMs. Good luck finding those however.


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