I am located in Melbourne Florida.
I will see if I can get access to the power supply and see what shape it is
in, thanks for the suggestion.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 12:06 AM Richard Pope <mechani...@charter.net>

> Devin,
>      I believe that this is a Z-80 machine that runs CPM. You will
> probably find that the electrolytics in the power supply are leaking.
> Please don't quote me on this. Where is this stuff located?
> GOD Bless and Thanks,
> rich!
> On 7/28/2020 11:00 PM, devin davison via cctalk wrote:
> > Greetings. It has been an interesting day. Rather late in the day, a
> buddy
> > notified me of a local thrift store that went under, and mentioned there
> > may be some computers on site up for grabs. Upon arrival, the place was a
> > mess, but the folks there were friendly and gave me the tour, everything
> > had to go, the shopkeeper skipped town and left the place full of junk
> for
> > the Building owner to clean out.
> >
> > I found a TRS 80 Model 12, a vga commodore branded monitor, commodore
> > cassette drive, among some misc 5.25 floppy disks. There may be more, I
> > need to go back for another sweep in the morning.
> >
> > The computer is extremely big, taking up an entire kitchen table,rivaling
> > the space that is taken up on my desk for a pdp 11. I am looking to
> clear a
> > space to work on it without dropping parts.
> >
> > The machine looks to be clean, However i am missing the keyboard.
> > The machine does not power on or show anything on the screen. I do hear a
> > high pitched hiss, so there may be some kind of power supply issue. I was
> > not aware of this model of machine, I am curious if anyone has a spare
> > keyboard for sale.
> >
> > I am not familiar with this model, it has 2, 8 inch floppy drives on the
> > front. I am curious about the format of the disks, would it be possible
> to
> > use another computer with an 8 inch drive to make a floppy to start the
> > machine, or do the drives use an odd difficult format that would be
> > impossible to write?
> >
> > http://devindamico.com/Uploads/TRS80M12.jpg
> >
> > --Devin D.
> >

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