Let's see. Key floppies I have right now include:
System Software V 3.51 EIA RAM Combo board expansion disk
Tape backup Diagnostics
Tape backup system drivers
Tape backup 1.0
Telephone manager disk
Communications patch
Async Terminal Emulation disk
In the back of the owner's manual there are two disks GSS drivers, 1 and 2
And two oddballs
Encryption set version 3.51 1 of 2
Encryption set version 3.51 2 of 2
For Ethernet I have a red book with the Enhanced TCP/IP WIN/3B user's
guide and Enhanced TCP/IP Win 3B Lan Interface programmer's reference
manual. And the TCP/IP Administrator's guide. No floppies unfortunately.
On 7/20/2020 4:20 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
On 7/19/20 12:42 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Now I have a big crate with "Convergent technologies" sitting in my
truck, I'll have to figure that one out next. Also more Perq manuals
and floppy disks.
Probably a miniframe or mightyframe, considering the 7300 is a
Convergent machine under the ATT badge.
Could you tell if TCP/IP is installed, since it has the rare Ethernet
card in it.
I don't know if 7300 TCP software is archived anywhere.