On Jul 7, 2020, at 7:48 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > > I would also suggest advertising or offering these online. Vintage Mac > collectors, as well as all manner of vintage UNIX box collectors, are > finding it increasingly difficult to find SCSI drives these days. Some > are happy to go with SCSI2SD but for others it lacks authenticity, or > they want the speeds, noises etc. too.
Some of us with a good stash of physical drives are contemplating going with SCSI2SD. This last week I’ve been dealing with two Amiga 3000’s. In both cases the original Quantum Fireball drives still work (though the one on my main system is noisy and was formatted before I got it ~23 years ago). The oddball IBM(?) drive I used as a system disk is apparently dead, so I’m thinking SCSI2SD is the way to go. Am I correct that a v5.1 SCSI2SD should work just fine? Anything I need to be aware of? I’ve been interested in these for ages, in part as a way to have quieter systems, but have never purchased one. Zane