On 2020-07-02 19:00,jw...@classiccmp.org wrote: > Message: 6 > Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2020 12:51:42 -0500 > From: <jw...@classiccmp.org> > To: "'Paul Koning'" <paulkon...@comcast.net>, "'General Discussion: > On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk@classiccmp.org>, "'Tony > Nicholson'" <tony.nichol...@computer.org> > Subject: RE: More DECnet/E items > Message-ID: <001801d64fd0$47911290$d6b337b0$@classiccmp.org> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > > ---------- > Nice. I looked at fixing RT11 RTS applications like MACRO, but that's not > possible because the RT11 date format stops in the early 21st century (5 bit > year field). Perhaps RT-11 has created a solution, but if so I don't know > it. > ---------- > > It was my understanding that Jerome Fine did y2k fixes (commercially) for > rt11 years ago. Is he still around the list? > > J
Apparently Jerome Fine has not posted anything since July 2016. I believe he is/was retired and fairly old, it might be that he is deceased.