On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 9:47 AM geneb via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2020, Peter Coghlan via cctalk wrote: > > > ED SHARPE wrote: > >> Use modern email program that sees expanded char. Sets and graphics.... > it > >> is a brand new world ! I love old hardware to look at but if > >> communicating I like the ability to see graphical things... and I > >> think tell majority of people like images of things...... Ed# > >> > > > > Let me get this straight. If I stop using VMS MAIL for this list and use > > one of these new fangled things instead, I too will be able to make high > > quality postings to the list, just like this one??? > > > > Yes, you too can produce a bountiful word salad with UTF-16 characters in > place of spaces! Amaze your friends! Women will want you! Men will want > to BE you! > > g. > I don't mean to point at anyone on this thread. I'm not good at seeing who is serious or sarcastic in this thread, and I really don't care, because this This conversation has come up again and again and gotten stale. It fundamentally amounts to a few people asserting "There is nothing worth saying that can't be said with the 25 letters of the English alphabet, so therefore the list should only include text that I can't read on a teletype". I say enough. We live in a remarkable world where it is possible to share knowledge and experiences with people from all over the world. Some of them might be disruptive enough to have things like ASCII-inconvenient accented characters in their names. I would like to be able to spell my friends and colleagues' names correctly. And sometimes, a picture really is worth 1000 words. A tiny SVG diagram in the middle of a description can do wonders. Did your physics textbook pull all the diagrams out to an appendix, just leaving a reference in the text? No it didn't. That would have been inconvenient and unnecessary. Except for those who choose otherwise, we all have the capability to view mail that presents like any other printed matter. It's time to adopt a platform that can handle modern mail. Some may still choose a degraded experience, but everyone is entitled to their own fetish.