Dave --  I  suppose   the  solve  is  to  write  it  out  long hand  as in One 
Dollar   One Cent  One  Pound... I never  considered  how  the  monetary vales  
 could  get  screwed up. Ed#...CIn a message dated 6/18/2020 1:42:27 AM US 
Mountain Standard Time, cctalk@classiccmp.org writes: 
 > -----Original Message-----> From: cctalk <cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org> On 
Behalf Of Peter Coghlan> via cctalk> Sent: 18 June 2020 08:22> To: General 
Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts> <cctalk@classiccmp.org>> Subject: RE: 
Future of cctalk/cctech> > ED SHARPE wrote:> > Use modern email program that 
sees expanded char. Sets and> > graphics.... it is a brand new world !    I 
love old hardware to look> > at but if communicating  I like  the ability to 
see graphical> > things...  and I think tell majority of people like  images 
of> > things......  Ed#> >>  Just beware. Some environments, especially old 
EBCDIC ones put different currency symbols on the same code pointsSo:- I wrote 
this as one dollar => $1.00This as one pound => $1And this as one euro => 
€1Lastly one cent => ¢1 I expect you all get that as sent except for perhaps 
the Euro which didn't exist when Peters VAX was built....... but on an old UK 
EBCDIC mainframe Dollar becomes Pound and Cent becomes dollar. This was a real 
pain as a UK user of Bitnet.  Dave > Let me get this straight.  If I stop using 
VMS MAIL for this list and use one of> these new fangled things instead, I too 
will be able to make high quality> postings to the list, just like this one???> 
> Regards,> Peter Coghlan

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