Josh R. wrote:

> I recently bought a mystery blinkenlight panel. Closer inspection reveals it 
> was manufactured by Intel in the early 70’s (1973), and some people on the 
> book of faces suggested it was part of a “device 
> multiplexer”(?)

> I’m hoping someone here might be able to shed some light on this mystery.

I suspect from looking it over, and given that Intel's early business was 
primarily random access static and dynamic memory ICs, that this was the 
console of some kind of memory test system.

I don't know for sure, though, it's just a guess.  
I took the upside down image, flipped it, and did some image enhancement on it 
to make out the legends on the indicators and switches.  Based on what I see, 
my suspicion seems plausible.

Rick Bensene
The Old Calculator Museum

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